To Blog or not to Blog?
I've authored a few blogs. The first was about our progress in France and was written for friends and family but somehow it got out into the wide world so I closed it. Then I started afresh trying to replicate the first, (Meanblackdogblog) in a less personal way but I found it hard to write to a non specific audience. I am not a diary keeper for this very reason. Then this blog evolved and has stumbled along in fits and starts for a while - perhaps because I'm not sure who is reading it. I have been really busy for a while now and time for writing has eluded me. I am in the process of radically restructuring my time so that I may be able to get some thoughts down from time to time - but we will see how that works out! I like the idea of blogging. I think it is potentially a very useful tool for artists, I'm thinking of my students in particular, a way to record progress on projects. A digital sketchbook. That said, there is much concern over the 'stealing' of...